Nov 07

Why American Must Reclaim Its Greatness: The Case for Strong Leadership in Unstable Times

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Why American Must Reclaim Its Greatness: The Case for Strong Leadership in Unstable Times

Today, we find ourselves in a world that feels less stable than it did just a few years ago. Back then, global conflict was at one of its lowest points in recent history, and America was thriving both economically and as a global leader.

On Tuesday, Americans cast their votes in the national election, re-electing Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States. This outcome is expected to have far-reaching implications for global stability, security, and the economy. As a former Army Infantry officer and a current state Senator, I recently had the opportunity to visit Taiwan and Israel. Both nations face relentless attacks and threats—Taiwan from the looming specter of Chinese invasion and Israel from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran—with the threat of war looming. I have personally witnessed the aftermath of the NOVA concert site massacre and visited a kibbutz that was raided by terrorists, where innocent Israelis were brutally murdered in their homes. These were not soldiers; they were ordinary citizens striving to live, prosper, and love their families.

I share this to remind everyone that evil exists in this world, and America has long been a beacon of hope and stability for those fighting against it. It is our duty to ensure freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all who seek it. This responsibility once again will rest firmly on the shoulders of former President Donald J. Trump, who must once again set the leadership standard for the world.

We live in an era of hyper-partisanship, where news often feels more like opinion than fact. Media outlets have aligned themselves along party lines, and political spin has become the norm. It’s astonishing to me that the slogan “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, has become a dirty word. How can we, as Americans, not want our nation to be great? Seriously, who truly prefers second place? By nature, Americans are competitive. If we don’t aspire to greatness, do we simply settle for mediocrity?

What drives us to strive harder, work longer, and maintain hope even in the darkest times is our unwavering belief in God and Country. Time and again, Americans have triumphed against all odds. For me, MAGA signifies a commitment to our Constitution and the sacred freedoms it guarantees—inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It represents a strong military, a robust economy, and a thriving manufacturing base that deters our enemies.

As we close out 2024 and look toward the future, elections will remain a constant in our country, shaping the direction of our communities and our nation. I encourage you to think critically and independently in these moments. Avoid the sway of pundits who may twist facts or data for their own purposes. Instead, take a close, objective look at each candidate. Seek out those with a proven commitment to delivering fact-based results—those who genuinely aim to uplift all Americans, from our neighbors to those most in need.

Our choice should reflect a desire for leaders who can make life better, safer, and more prosperous. Let’s choose those who bring both wisdom and experience to the table, who are guided by principles that will help restore America’s standing as a beacon of hope—a ‘Shining City on a Hill.’ In every election, may we aim for a pragmatic approach, focused on progress, unity, and the common good.”

I am proud to say that I supported and voted for former President Donald Trump because he embodies the ideals that will make America great again. His selfless dedication to public service comes from a genuine love for our country. He understands that if America falls, the world will follow.

In the end, it’s about securing a future where America remains strong, resilient, and a beacon for others. May we choose leaders who truly value our nation and are steadfast in their commitment to our prosperity, unity, and freedom. God bless America!



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